
The Recipe ~ Healing With Whole Foods book

The best thing about having to photograph all this yummy food, obviously was getting to eat it all afterwards.

Images create for “The Recipe….Healing With Whole Foods” book,  author Lynnie Nichols.

Lyn is my sister so she came to visit  me in Geraldton for a week and we had a great time preparing and photographing these images for her new book.

Lyn runs healing retreats in northern Bali, living near Les Waterfall. Her recipes are on the menu at Poinciana Resort and Retreat Centre in a gorgeous Vegetarian/Vegan restaurant, prepared by the Balinese for guest at the many healing retreats held in tranquil Poinciana.

Lyn is not far away from finishing her second book, this time I will be going to her place in Bali to photograph all of her yummy food.